'New Year’s Resolutions for West Coast Gardeners' (Seaside Magazine - December 2018)

For many of us, the holiday season is a time for reflection upon the past year. This introspection may also apply to the successes and failures of the past gardening season. Perhaps it’s even time to draft some New Year’s resolutions in the hope of dragging us into green-thumbed betterment.

1. “I will not impulse buy a plant that I don’t have a place in the garden for.” You’ve bought so many that you secretly think that your collection of potted plants might be the reason your patio is sinking.

2. “I will not be lured into starting seeds on the first warm day of February.” You might not think of yourself as the eternal optimist when you’re planting 24-inch-tall sweet-pea starts.

3. “I will admit to losing the battle with moss for my lawn … if you stand way back and squint, it looks like grass.”

4. “I will be smarter with my composter.” It’s not like this year will be the year that your compost decides to break down the corn cobs and Douglas fir cones that seem to find their way in every year.

5. “I will try to remember that Mother Nature is not at war with me personally.” The waves of sparrows, aphids, weevils and bud worms are not a trial to test your faith (though railing at the heavens can be so satisfying). 

6. “At social gatherings, I will stop deadheading other people’s plants.” It’s hard to greet someone with a shake when your hand is completely tacky with rhododendron sap. 

7. “This year, I will only grow one zucchini plant.” You secretly think your daily zucchini deliveries might be the reason your neighbours installed a locking gate last summer.

8. “I will stop trying to convince people that I grow vegetables to save money.” You snickered when you read the joke “Only a gardener will spend $40 growing a plant they can buy for $1.99 a pound at the grocery store,” but inwardly felt a bit crushed.

9. “Your next-door neighbour does not want your slugs.” No matter what you tell yourself, relocation is only for cougars.

10. “You will wait patiently for the 2019 seed catalogs.” The staff at the garden centre have already started answering the phone with “No, they still aren’t here yet.”

I hope this little bit of humour adds to a joyful holiday season for all Seaside readers. My best wishes for a happy holiday season and bountiful New Year from all of us at Red Feather.